Divorce and Finance
A fair financial settlement is possible only when the divorcing spouses are open and transparent with one another. Disclose all the financial records, assets and documents could enable for a smooth settlement.
Our divorce specialists along with financial planners assess your situation, estimate financial needs and plan the settlement amount to effectively save from taxes.
We make aware potential tax consequences and advice whether you should take monthly alimony or a lump sum. In some cases, whether you should keep the house or sell it. We provide sound and practical advice that helps your situation.
Our expert divorce lawyers work along with financial planners to plan and carefully prepare documents, assess financial records and advice on a divorce settlement that protects comfortable living style.
Professional Help in Divorce Financial Settlements
We advise our Clients to collect as many documents as possible such as a copy of all tax returns, loan applications, credit card and other financial statements, loan documents, vehicle registration papers, insurance policies and bank account information.
Also, documents that can trace and verify property ownership, such as an inheritance or family gifts. If the divorcing couple holds joint bank accounts, or debts together, it is advisable to get a full credit report to ascertain the debt positions well in advance.
Benefit from our expert advice on financial and other property documentation services that enables you to reach a fair financial agreement. Take photos of valuables household items such as jewelry, appliances, and other valuable assets. The key to an effective financial settlement is to document everything.